God damn, school has been keeping me slammed, forcing me to sleep normal person hours. I can't remember the last time I slept past noon. I miss sleeping in, and I miss being able to sleep in. But the productivity has been out of this world.
It's only been 4 weeks since school started, and I've only been able to make it to work once a week, and I am hating the lack of cash. My bills are paid, but I can't buy the things I want, and it makes me wanna step it up. Last night I was planning to go into work, but school ate up my entire day and night. When midnight rolled around, I was rolling over into bed, not work. I'm gonna make it up to myself tonight by going in a bit sooner than usual, though it's often a futile attempt to get ahead, I can't completely rule out the possibility that I'll put myself ahead by doing that.
School has been keeping me so busy that I can barely fit in the time to work out, and I always get nervous when I don't get enough exercise. I'm ready for my boss to tell me I need to tone up because boss man is going on a firing spree. The good news (maybe for just me) is that I'm getting closer and closer to retiring from stripping. My education is going to pay off this time because I've been busting my ass and sacrificing work in order to keep my grades up and my obligations met. I've probably lost all my semi-regulars in the process. They probably show up, wondering where me and my dank ass are. I bet even my fellow strippers are wondering where the hell I've been. "Where's booty?"
I really want to work tonight. I'm gonna try my damn hardest to stay up late tonight so I can make up for all that rest I got last night. See I'm trying not to get sick while all this is going on. I have exams next week and I just HATE being that person that can't stop coughing when it's all quiet. It's so distracting during a period that requires high concentration.
Anyway, wish me luck, I'll write about tonight. It should be interesting because I feel like I revert to noob status when I take too much time off from work.