Sunday, December 18, 2011

Busy weekend, must be that impending holiday cheer.

I had a lot of advantage this weekend.  A lot of events in town close to the club, plus it's the perfect time of the year for a little giving.  :)

I did phenomenal this weekend.  I wish every weekend was like this.  But I busted my ass each night this weekend, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.  The perfect time for partying.  Everyone had a party on every night this weekend and I had to miss out on all of them.  But my paycheck makes it hard to say it was a bad decision to work instead. 

I'm sure there will be plenty more opportunities especially since Christmas is coming up.  Everyone is starting to get a little more time off.  Many of my friends are feeling so joyful right now.  I'm so happy to hear they're doing well. 

What's even better is I now have time to see my friends during the week since I made a week's worth of money over three nights.  That leaves all this week to see the people I love.  And that is one of the bright sides of my job that I don't think gets enough attention.  I work about 20 hours a week.  I love my free time.

I'm thinking I might have a light work week ahead of me this coming week because of Christmas.  I don't expect much business on Christmas Eve, which is Saturday night.  Might have to just stick with what I make on Thursday and Friday night.