Monday, April 9, 2012

WTF Easter

Good Friday for men = Good
Good Friday for strippers = BAD

I learned that Good Friday means men with money are out being moral with their families.  I did real bad for a Friday night.  All the girls came to work but all the men stayed home, and we all know what happens when there's a high girl-to-man ratio at the club.

I didn't bother going to work on Saturday night.  I knew everyone would be sleeping before church.  Next weekend should be better money wise.  It better be.

But I decided to use that night off to have some fun with my friends.  We watched some TV and had pizza.  I haven't done that in a while.  It felt pretty good, but it also sucks to have made such little cash.

My Easter Sunday was wonderful.  I got to be with my family.  We had a delicious dinner during the afternoon then sat on our lazy butts and enjoyed soaking up the TV.

What a nice weekend for my soul, but not my paycheck.