Next time you run me over with that hormonal cycle I'll get a hysterectomy!
Just kidding. Having no uterus means I'll never get horny again and I can't live with that. Not to mention shaving a mustache. And who wants to be on a lifetime prescription for replacement hormones? I think I'll deal with red tide taking me out of work this weekend.
I will live. My bills are paid for now.
And even though Aunt Flo is a BITCH that makes me STAY HOME ON THE WEEKEND, the good news is I'm not pregnant. Yesss!
No more breaks in birth control. When I take it normally, I never get a period (which is a blessing). Next time I won't wait a week when I run out.
But no babies expected!
So tonight instead of going to work or getting my freak on, I'm gonna get my geek on instead. Call of Duty here I come!