Bad night for me. Other girls were doing fine. I failed. Big fat F for tonight. I could not make money. I suck at hustling.
The weather is so hot my eyes sweat. Trying not to admit I cried like a bitch. I tried pulling myself together, but it was useless. Every time I tried to not cry, I'd just cry more. I thought I was strong enough to not cry because money is shitty, but I guess I reached my breaking point.
It didn't help to have a bunch of low-balling pieces of shit treat me like a piece of meat. I just really hated my job tonight. I couldn't handle the rejection, not tonight.
I'm on birth control pills, and today was my last reminder pill so I'm thinking the lack of actual hormones is why I couldn't stay emotionally centered. Chemical PMS, probably.
There is always next time. Ugh, I just hope I bounce back sooner than later.