Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Strippers try to talk politics

Ah, it's an election year.

So I was in the dressing room last weekend and I remember some girls arguing about voting republican or democrat.  And I noticed myself wasting too much time listening to them go back and forth spouting garbage they heard on TV.

They were so bad at explaining themselves, though.  I was laughing inside, listening to them talk about how previous presidents have failed and how Romney or Obama is the better choice.  They said things like, "let me know when you get raped because you can forget about Planned Parenthood if Romney wins," and the right-leaning girls getting yelled at were shooting back with taking away guns if Obama wins.

And it's like, who fucking cares?  Nothing is gonna change anytime soon because of all the nonsense talk and no work fixing the problem, no matter who wins.  With the way our government is set up, forget about legal weed, cheap abortion clinics, the economy getting better, welfare and the post office and bullshit like that...

People are humans and humans don't give a shit about other humans.  It's never gonna change no matter how hard we try to convince people to believe our stupid "agenda."

So strippers should vote democrat if they wanna collect food stamps and fuck the rich people, which are our best clients, so that's why it might be better to vote republican.  But I honestly don't care who gets put in office because my lack of faith in the government fulfilling its promises has overshadowed my belief in any candidate's agenda, democrat or republican.

Here's my agenda:
Government stays the fuck out of our business but remains the most bad ass force in the world for our protection only, not to dictate the way of life.

Charity degrades those who accept it and hardens those that give it.  Bums should either die or work for their money.

People can own whatever gun they want.

Women can get abortions whether it was rape or not.

People can do whatever drug and as much as they want.

People can smoke outside on university campus.  Can you believe some schools banned it?!

Increase trade, reset this money scale, completely erase the concept of credit cards.  Gas, groceries and services cost too much.  The value of a dollar ain't shit anymore.  When a guy slips a dollar in my garter, it's a good thing.  But if that happened 20 years ago, I would have been able to buy a loaf of bread, a gallon of gas, and some eggs.  I have to get another ten of those dollars if I want that stuff now.  

I doubt my fairy tale agenda would ever become reality.  The reason people can't do lots of drugs and own high-powered artillery is because the people that can't enjoy them responsibly fuck it up for everyone else.  It's the same reason for all the other liberties we can't enjoy.

I'm going to just play the game of life as best as I can because that seems like the only plan to stick to no matter how much things change or remain the same.